Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Our Te Tiriti o Waitangi team have the expertise and knowledge to help with the wide range of legal issues which concern Te Ao Māori. We can help seek resolution of grievances from the past. We can help find solutions for whanau, hapu and iwi into the future.

Looking after the land, looking after the people

We are based in Wellington, but we represent clients from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island, and we travel to our clients. We can assist with everything from representing whanau, hapu or iwi in the Waitangi Tribunal or the Māori Land Court, to environmental, taonga tuturu and wāhi tapu issues. We are a team within a larger firm which has expertise in family, commercial and property issues, so if advice is required in those areas as well, we can call on other experts within our firm to help.

Our team is people-focused, building long-standing relationships with our clients. We want to help protect and preserve the rights and interests of whanau, hapu and iwi, in their whenua, awa and moana and other taonga. As trusted advocates, our clients with one issue frequently bring their other issues to us and recommend us to their friends and whanau. We strive to ensure that our clients’ point of view is expressed clearly and persuasively and that it is heard widely and by the right people.

Areas of Specialisation

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We’re here to help so if you’d like to discuss your matter or need further information specific to you, talk to us. We’ll listen to your needs and advise you as to next steps.

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